You can help people in difficult life situations together with us and in a way that suits you the most:
We are currently missing these items:
Fabric softener, Cleaning stuff, Pudding, Instant soups, Milk, Soap, Canned vegetables, Oil, Canned fruit, Tea, Coffee, Shampoos and shower gels, Vegeta
You can bring the food that you buy, direcly to our door.
. . . When the church is open, you can leave the food in the container placed in the confession hallway in front of the sacristy..
We reside in the center of Bratislava, the address is Doma u Kapucínov, n.o. Župné námestie 592/10, 811 03 Bratislava 1
We are currently missing these items:
Fabric softener, Cleaning stuff, Pudding, Instant soups, Milk, Soap, Canned vegetables, Oil, Canned fruit, Tea, Coffee, Shampoos and shower gels, Vegeta
In case you can't bring foods directly to us, you can buy them online.
You may use this delivery address: Doma u Kapucinov, Župné námestie 10, 811 03 Bratislava.
Enter this phone number: 0917 056 080 and as a delivery receipt time use working days between 9 am and 12 noon.
A courier will bring your shopping to us.
In case you or anybody from your relatives found yourself in a difficult life situation, let us know. You can do it by email or by phone to our social workers:
Kristína Simonová Tapalágová 0910 852 088
Peter Piso 0910852087
František Smolík 0910852089
We shall be looking for a solution together.